Monday, August 07, 2006

A Revealing Question To Ask A Real Estate Agent

Before deciding which real estate agent would do the best job marketing your home, it pays to undertake an interview process. It is important to select the right agent who will not only have the best chance at getting you the desired result, but also one that is a pleasure to work with.

In the interview process you need to make sure that the real agent is giving you honest answers and not just saying what he or she thinks you want to hear.

Here is a good question that stumps a few agents and could reveal an unexpected answer.

Here is the question: Apart from yourself, who is the best real estate agent in this area?

Some agents will evasively say, "I really don't have any competition." But the best agents will honestly answer your question.

You may then want to ask the agent - why he or she gave that particular answer?

Also, don't hesitate to ask the agent you're interviewing, what he or she thinks of the other realtors on your interview list.

Remember, it is not about tricking the agent, it is about getting truthful and helpful answers.

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