Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Detroit Property Market Update

Here is some information affecting the real estate market in Detroit.

New Foreclosure Moratorium Looms | Detroit Real Estate Foreclosures

If you have been paying attention to the latest news, two of the largest banks in America, Bank of America and Chase, have both suspended foreclosures. This is.

Publish Date: 10/13/2010 2:43

Auto Industry Aches and Detroit Breaks | Zunley

Auto Industry Aches and Detroit Breaks Few cities in the world are as dependent on one industry as Detroit is when it comes to automobiles.

Publish Date: 10/14/2010 6:40

Detroit is a very big city and what happens in Detroit can have a bearing on what happens across the USA.

Buying Cheap Property In America

With the state of the US economy it is certainly possible to buy cheap property in america right now. Foreclosures are always one way to purchase properties at discounted prices. Buying houses or apartments in smaller towns is also a lot less expensive than purchasing or renting properties in major cities across the USA.