Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Real Estate Qualifications Explained

A close look at a real estate agents business card may reveal extra designations or qualifications. The letters after the real estate agents name may be an indication that he or she has upskilled rather than just being content to just take the courses needed to get and maintain a real estate license.

Designations are an indication the field in which a real estate agent specializes.

ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative)
ABR denotes a Sales Associate who is qualified to provide buyer representation and is familiar with buyer brokerage and buyer agency issues.

ABRM (Accredited Buyer Representative Manager)
ABRM designation is associated more with brokers, owners and managers wanting to incorporate buyer representation into their daily practice.

CLHMS (Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist)

CRP (Certified Relocation Professional)
The requirements for a CRP designation include passing a comprehensive exam pertaining to relocation issues related to corporate policies, appraising, real estate, legal considerations, and family concerns. CRP designation is awarded by the Employee Relocation Council.

CRS (Certified Residential Specialist)
Awarded by the Residential Sales Council a CRS desination stipulates a proven track record in the business, along with advanced education in related areas like finance, marketing and technology.

This is a training program presented entirely online to certify real estate agents and brokers as Internet Professionals. This e-Pro designation may be earned after successfully completing 5 areas presented entirely online.

There are dozens of designations that real estate agents and other real estate professionals pursue for continuing and advanced education. Some of these real estate designations require memberships in organizations, with annual dues. They may also have required a considerable financial outlay in completing a specialized program representing many hours of intense studying.

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