Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Write a mortgage payoff request letter

Before proceeding to sell your property you will need to obtain all the details about the status of your current mortgage (if you have one). You’ll need to know the balance owing and if you need to comply with any special clauses or conditions.

It is wise to get this information in writing so that there is no confusion or risk of a serious mistake occurring. Don’t just phone your bank or mortgage company – WRITE to them.
If you have a FHA loan, then it is really important that you notify your mortgage company of your intention to repay the mortgage. If you don’t do this, they may charge you an extra months interest. Check all these kinds of details with your Attorney or Title Company.

For more mortgage loan information and definitions of mortgage terms check out this helpful real estate resources website http://www.your-real-estate-resources.com/mortgage-terms.html

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